Natural Gas Extraction and Hydraulic Fracturing Information
for Parents and
Community Members
Special Susceptibility of Children
are more vulnerable to environmental hazards.
They eat, drink, and breathe more than adults on a pound for pound
basis. Research has also shown that
children are not able to metabolize some toxicants as well as adults due to
immature detoxification processes. Also,
the fetus and young child are in a critical period of development when toxic
exposures can have profound negative effects.
Natural gas extraction from shale is a complex process which
includes: 1) building access roads, holding
ponds, and the drill site; 2) Construction of pipe lines and compressor
stations; 3) drilling and hydraulic fracturing to capture the natural gas; and
4) disposal of flowback water and drilling waste.
Hydraulic fracturing, also known as hydrofracking or
fracking, uses a combination of water, sand, and chemicals injected into the
ground under high pressure to release natural gas or oil. This process has become much more common in
the US over the last decade. It was
first used for natural gas in Colorado, Wyoming, and Texas but has recently
spread into other states including West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Health Issues
Questions have been raised about the possible health effects
of air and water pollution caused by Natural gas extraction/Hydraulic
fracturing. The Pediatric Environmental
Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU) network, which consists of experts throughout the
country dedicated to preventing poor health outcomes in children from
environmental causes, developed this fact sheet. There is little
research on the health effects to children from fracking. Because many questions remain unanswered, the
PEHSU network recommends a cautious
approach to toxicants in general and to hydraulic fracturing specifically.
Water Contamination
One of
the potential routes of exposure to toxins from the fracturing process is the contamination of drinking
water, including public water supplies and private wells. This can occur when geologic fractures extend
into groundwater or from leaks from the natural gas well if it passes through
the water table. In addition, drilling
fluid, chemical spills, ad disposal pit leaks may contaminate surface water
supplies. A study conducted in
New York and Pennsylvania found that methane contamination of private drinking
water wells was seen in areas close to active natural gas drilling. (Osborne
SGG, et al. 2011). While many of the chemicals used in the
drilling and fracking process are not disclosed, the list includes benzene,
toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene, ethylene glucol, glutaraldehyde, hydrochloric
acid, and hydrogen treated light petroleum distillates. These substances have a wide spectrum of
potential toxic effects of humans ranging from cancer to adverse effects on the
reproductive, neurological, and endocrine systems (ATSDR, Colborn T, et
al, U>S> EPA 2009).
Air Pollution
Sources of air pollution around a drilling facility include
diesel exhaust from the use of machinery and heavy trucks, and emissions from
the drilling and NGE/HF processes. These
air pollutants are associated with a spectrum of health effects in humans. Particulate matter air pollution (dust), for
example, has been linked to lung illnesses, wheezing in infants, cardiovascular
events, and premature death (Laden F et al, Lewtas J, Ryan PH, et al, Sacks JD,
et al). Since each fracturing event at
each well requires up to 2,400 industrial truck trips, residents near the site
and along the truck routes may be exposed to increased levels of these air
pollutants (New York State DECDMR, 2009).
Volatile organic compounds can escape from the wells and
combine with nitrogen oxides to produce ozone (CDPHE 2008, CDPHE 2010). Due to its inflammatory effects on the lung system, ozone has been
linked to asthma attacks.
Elevated ozone levels have been found in rural areas of Wyoming,
partially due to natural gas drilling in these locations. (Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality,
2010). In an air sampling study form
2005 to 2007 conducted in Colorado, researchers found that air benzene
concentration approached or exceeded standards at sites with oil or gas
drilling (Garfield County PHD, 2007). Benzene exposure during pregnancy has
been associated with neural tube defects (Lupo PJ, et al) and childhood
leukemia (Whitworth KW, et al., 2008).
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution from the drilling process and resulting
truck traffic has not been adequately evaluated, but since drilling sites have
been located close to housing in many locations, noise from these industrial sources might impact sleep,
and that has been associated with negative effects on learning and other
aspects of daily living (Stansfeld SA, et al, 2003, WHO 2011).
In light of the lack of research on the possible health
effects from gas and oil well operations located near human habitation, as well
as considering the unique vulnerability of children, the PEHSU network
recommends the following:
to monitor water quality, noise levels, and air pollution in areas were fracturing
sites are located near communities.
Monitoring the health
impacts of persons living in the area with research studies.
Increasing the awareness of community healthcare providers
about the possible health consequences of exposures from the fracturing processes,
including occupational exposures to workers and the issue of take-home toxics
(e.g., clothing and boots contaminated with drilling muds).
Disclosure of all chemicals used in the drilling and
fracking to ensure that exposures are handled appropriately and to ensure that
monitoring programs are adequate given the short half-lives of volatile organic
compounds and the fact that many of the fracking chemicals have not been
disclosed, blood testing should not be performed unless there has been a known
direct exposure.
Reprinted, in part, from Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units.